Axis 3 Action 3.3.4
Web Site Realization Locanda Stella Alpina
Intervention carried out by making use of the POR FESR 2014/2020 DGR 1390 of 16/9/2020 financing financing – Call for contributions for innovative digital investments in the tourist accommodation sector to encourage the recovery of tourism demand after the COVID-19 emergency
AXIS 3 “Competitiveness of production systems” – “Developing and implementing new business models for SMEs, particularly for internationalization” – “Consolidation, modernization and diversification of territorial production systems” – “Supporting the competitiveness of enterprises in tourist destinations, through interventions in the qualification of supply and product/service, strategic and organizational innovation” – “Innovative investments in the tourist accommodation sector”
The application is for a complete revamp of the website with enhancements and additions, the installation of Wubook hotel management software-specifically the Essentials module-a cloud-based system to easily manage your facility, and finally the integration of the innovative Hospitality Data Intelligence platform HBenchmark.
As for the site, the WordPress platform was completely reinstalled after a reset of the web space to improve its performance and speed. All aspects of SEO expertise were taken care of, with a view to improving visibility in major search engines, from optimization of images, text and content, to the structure of the site itself (Html, css, plugins). English language has been added to improve online visibility and be accessible to possible foreign language patrons.
In addition to the creation of the website, the POR FESR 2014-2020 call for proposals enabled the Locanda Stella Alpina enterprise to make use of powerful digital tools to implement research and study activities for planning a more effective Marketing Strategy and logistical organization of work. The following are the next three actors that enabled these implementations.
Ivan Baù’s Terasweb was responsible for the installation and configuration of various software and devices designed to implement computer performance and security at the computer level and improve connectivity.
HBenchmark was responsible for the installation of the Hospitality Data Intelligence platform, which receives reservation metrics from the PMSs, aggregates them and returns a large set of performance indicators in real time, which are strategic for the business development of both the destination and the individual property. It makes it possible to objectively measure past and future tourism flows in the area, helps to identify periods of the year in which to create new opportunities and events to attract tourist flows, and provides targeted guidance for more effectively planning communication and marketing strategies. It also allows you to optimize your offerings by comparing them with those in your local area.
Wubook is the all-in-one, cloud-based hotel management system to facilitate the management of all types of hotel facilities. The Online Booking option increases direct sales and boosts revenue through a system that streamlines the booking process and enables reservations from online patrons. The booking widget was inserted directly into the website in order to increase the booking capacity. In addition, the Essentials module was installed, which allows integration with HBenchmark software.
Public Support Granted:
€ 5.500